Inktober 2009

From the Art Department

Here's something that's been in the works for the last couple weeks. I've been going at it off an on in between other projects. Patrons have been watching this thing's progress. I thought I would share a section of the larger piece with you here. Hopefully, I'll get time to finish this next week!

This was back when I had 9 followers on twitter, and I didn't even know what an instagram was. lol.

When Inktober was all over with I made a book called Inktober 2009. I ordered 100 and was was so happy I sold over half of them. The rest would sell out, and I think I did a second print run of 100 and sold those too.

All of the original Inktober 2009 drawings are posted here on my Flickr Album. Check them out: LINK

The Inktober 2009 book is now for sale on my shop as a PDF download. If you want a copy, it's a part of my sketchbook archive of drawings made before 2010. I've got a discount code special for you folks that subscribe to my newsletter. Use "HALFOFFDIGITAL" to get them 50% off: LINK

(that code applies to all my digital books too)
