The Sky Chapel of Ethiopia

​From the Arts and Culture Unit

I think this place is amazing and full of story potential: A thousand feet above the Ethiopian desert sits a church carved into the side of a massive rock mountain. It's called Abuna Yemata Guh and it's over 1500 years old.

The ascent to reach the chapel involves a strenuous hike , crossing a rock bridge, a a vertical rock wall climb, then a narrow path with a 300 meter sheer drop on one side.

If you're afraid of heights, this isn't the pilgrimage for you...or maybe it's a way to overcome the phobia?

However, once inside the chapel there's beautiful well preserved fresco paintings of old testament prophets and new testament apostles.

Oh, and one more cool thing, there's an old monk who lives there. Not sure if he makes the ascent every day or if he just hangs out up there 24/7...but I'm getting Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade vibes from this.

Watch this incredible video here: LINK
