Nothing from the Inspirational Thought Unit this week. Instead a PSA for ADHD:

ADHD is a superpower and a weakness. The same thing that allows you to focus intently on accomplishing a task can also make you super late for important meetings. (Which happened to me more than once this week!)

This speech on ADHD blew me away. It's by clinical psychologist Dr Russel Barkley who has devoted his life to treating people with ADHD.

Put this on and listen to it whether you have ADHD or not. It will help you understand what's going on in the head of a person who has ADHD, and might instill a little more empathy, not just for others, but also for yourself if you struggle with it.

He also outlines several solutions for working with ADHD that I think are extremely helpful and have used in my life.

Someone also took notes and timestamped them in case your attention span can't handle a 37 minute lecture right now. So look for that in the comments.

Check it out here: LINK
