From the Inspirational Thought Unit
I got into a discussion with a friend about getting discouraged with your work, especially when you see other people succeed at the thing you're trying to do. I feel utterly compelled to make things. I can't get halfway through a project without fantasizing about the next thing I want to make. But at the same time, I look at what I'm making and it never completely lives up to my vision, even more so, it's never quite as good as the art my favorite artists have made.
My brain: I’m going to get you so excited to work on something you will forget to eat.
Also my brain: I’m going to tell you you’re no good at what you’re doing and should just give up and go do something else forever.
Getting discouraged with your work is natural. Comparing your work to others is natural too. I don't know a person who puts their heart and soul into something that doesn't get discouraged with it at some point. But I think this kind of discouragement is also misplaced. You might feel like your work is everything...but it's just a part of the ecosystem of desires, abilities, privileges, and liabilities that make up you.
So your art isn't living up to your vision...but are you doing your best with the hand you've been dealt? Are you helping others where you can? Are you nurturing relationships with those closest to you? If the answer is, "I'm trying" then you are doing all right.
My friend put it succinctly like this:
We’re not here to be artists. We’re here to be people. People who happen to be artists, yes. But the mission can’t supersede the purpose. -Kohl Glass