Page Ones

From the Comics Division

Found a nice collection of "Page Ones" of comics. The first page is supposed to grab you by the eyeballs and shove you into the story. Tradition is to make them bold, splashy, and informative. They carry a lot of weight, and are probably the most important part of the comic...besides the cover.

Common tropes are:

  • The main character is very large in a cool pose

  • The title of the story is s a part of the environment, or taking up a prominent spot somewhere on the page

  • Characters are often caught in the middle of the action

  • There's a lot of exposition, either spoken or narrated

  • Credits for the creators are found somewhere on the page

Here's a nice twitter thread where I found this link. Lots of examples of compelling first pages posted here: LINK

Page Ones Pinterest Collection: LINK
