From the Machines Division
Justine Haupt's day job is developing astronomy instrumentation for the Brookhaven National Laboratory. Which means she's extra smart. In her free time she designed and built a rotary smartphone. The prototype can be seen here: LINK
I'm a little bit in love with this. The combination of buttons, bells, and dials with current cellphone tech is like chocolate and peanut butter to my eyes. On the back it has a display screen that will let you know what calls you missed. It feels Star Warsian in its function: future technology trapped in an outdated casing.
I'd love to combine this with the Star Wars aesthetic. Like, mix it up with something like Galen Erso's Water Testing Kit and it would be golden.
For $390 you can order all the parts for one of these and build your own. Here's all the information on it: LINK