From the Inspirational Thought Unit
I like this quote by Yeats. It reminds me of this quote by Jean Guraud aka Moebius:
“I am a nexus of universes. I belong to a class of people--I’m not alone in this--whose hand and eye are antennae, sensitive to a certain type of reality”
Every once and a while my antennae pick up something magical and I’m able to translate it into something others can understand. My goals in life lately haven’t been to have more experiences like that, and I’m realizing that mistake.
I get an email from Seth Godin every day. I don’t read them all, and half the ones I do read are just ok. But I really like what he sent last week:
“Most of the time, the phrase is, “it’s time to get back to work.” This means it’s time to stop being creative, stop dancing with possibility, stop acquiring new insights and inspiration–and go back to the measurable grind instead. Maybe we’d be better off saying, “I need to get back to making magic.” Because that’s what we’d actually like to be getting paid to create.”
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to making magic. Perhaps you do too.