The Minimalist Sci-fi Art of Hugo Moreno

From the Illustrators Division

I was first made aware of Hugo Moreno's work when I saw his short film Eclipse (2012) made while a student at Goeblins.

You can watch it here. It's nice: LINK

Since then I've seen his work pop up from time to time in my feed, but I never pieced it together that they were done by him. Then I found his website and was delighted to see all of his work in one spot.

Really digging it. He's like a minimalist Moebius. There's a retro-futuristic flair to it. Like it's a late 20th century view of the future if Piet Mondriaan and Patrick Nagel had a baby. Maybe? Can't put my finger on it.

Check out the rest of his stuff here: LINK
