On Reading

From the Inspirational Thought Unit

My son, who wants to be an artist of some kind professionally some day and knows the importance of a full creative bank account, was stressing out because there’s too many shows to watch, comics to read, films to catch, and he doesn't know where to start or what to do.

Here’s the advice I gave him for comics, but I think it applies to any medium:

  • Always be reading a classic. Something that is universally accepted as excellent and has endured through time. This is so you know what other works were built on.

  • Always be reading something contemporary. This is to see how the old ways have inspired the current generation, and to see what new groundwork is being laid.

  • Revisit something that inspired you as a kid. This is the thing that awakened your love for comics. To remind you of the power of the medium. A variant of this is: just read the trash you love.

I try to follow this advice, but I also give myself the room to just follow my interests. Here's an additional guideline:

You don't have to finish anything you're not enjoying. But do take note as to why it lost you, and remember that when you create your own thing.

What's your reading advice?
