On authenticity

From the Inspirational Thought Unit

This week I was trying to make a new youtube video and in the writing and recording I was getting a little full of myself. I was thinking I've got to amp things up in order to get noticed on Youtube. Beat my chest! Make the videos louder! More music ! More cuts! More extreme! (not mr beast extreme, but extreme for 'art youtube').

Thankfully, Alison intervened and told me to dial it back. WAY back. I think the fates also wanted me to chill out because after I recorded most of the video it turns out my microphone malfunctioned and I had no audio. So a day of work was trashed.

It wasn't wasted though. Can you imagine if I posted that monstrosity? Lesson learned.

In my quest to make a more viral video I forgot the thing that makes a youtube channel (or any relationship) successful: Being authentic.
