From the Making Comics Division
Getting close to having the first chapter penciled and inked. Really pumped to have this spread finished.
I hired a colorist to work on this project with me. His name is Anderson Carmen and he reached out to me last year with samples. He actually colored my entire Skull Chaser comic from Drawings 5 as a pitch for his services! It was a no brainer to hire him for this book.
These are his flats for this spread and they are actually muted by me to play up the inks. The final will be much more saturated.
By the way I've got a name for this comic!
RED SHIFT RENEGADES: Rumble on Spartha.
The Red Shift Territories are the out reaches of the galaxy, and my characters are all outcasts, outlaws, and renegades from the Red Shift...hence the name.
Can't wait to have this first chapter wrapped up!
Join the Patreon: Patrons are getting frequent updates on this comic, including more behind the scenes stuff. They've also read the full comic in both roughs and now pencils as I finish them. This week I've been posting inked pages for patrons. As well as the book title reveal. When I finish the comic I'll have an exclusive special edition PDF for patrons.
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